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We've been using NimbusMaps for years, they're software has enabled us to find highly profitable off-market deals! They're software is packed full of features helping you find those gems! We cant reccomend NimbusMaps enough and are proud to have partnered with them to give YOU a massive discount on the annual subscription.
Easily identity areas that are in the green belt, flood zones or AONB. Get further details has as planning policy, environmental and heritage policy. All the information you need to get the knowledge ahead of your next planning application.
One of our favourite features is the planning search. Search for planning applications both new & old. Filter your search by application type, date, local authority etc. Then, easily pull the information including the applicants details. A great way to find your next site!
Need data on the most recent actual sold prices from land registry? Or current price estimate?
View sales & lettings comparables, filter based on property size, type, condition, tenure etc.
This is a great tool for working out the GDV of your next site!
We have been using Nimbus for years now, we tried the competitors however didn't find them anywhere near as good. Therefore we're extremely proud to be partnered with Nimbus who we think have the best property software that will not just save you time & monthly but potentially make you a lot of money too!
I use the software daily to find and analyze deals, it has been a complete game changer.
Nimbus maps will also happily give you a free demo showcasing the full features of their software and how it can help your business so what do you have to loose!
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